Alo! I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read some of my stories and would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself. I'm currently a junior at UC Berkeley, majoring in Bioresources. Native to California, I call Santa Rosa home. I began writing fanfiction summer '94 and continued from there due to wonderful fan support. Thanks, guys, I wouldn't have done it without you.
In chronological order:
MIB - My first story, written as a speculation of the events after "Erlenmeyer Flask."
OUT OF THE WOODS - People on the 'nets had been discussing the similarities between "The X-Files" and "Twin Peaks." I took the plunge and wrote this crossover story. A sequel was later written, THE VANISHED.
FROSTBITE - A sequel of sorts to the fan-fave episode "Ice." I thought it'd be fun to do.
THE VANISHED - The sequel to "Woods," our XF heroes are drawn into the world of Twin Peaks and meet more of the characters from that show.
WATCHING THE SHIPS - Was written as a speculation of the episode "One Breath." How it should've happened. ;) A revised version of this story will be written sometime in the future that will appear in Tara O'Shea's XF fanzine,"Deus X Machina."
TRIALS - A short story dealing with the time of Scully's return to duty after "One Breath."
DANA - A take on some classic hard-boiled detective novels. Was great fun to write and was written in first person as a creative experiment.
OUT OF THE PAST (or, AGENT SCULLY HAS TOO MUCH CAFFEINE) - Written in one sitting when *I* had had too much caffeine, this short story is a Scully version of "Dana," in a small way. A micro-mystery.
Thanks again for your interest and special thanks to Stephen for putting together these pages! I welcome any and all comments. Email "".
Best, Peggy Li